[REVIEW] Drive me crazy

Title: Drive me crazy
Author: cutterpillow
Fanfic URL:http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/feisu/chapter_6.shtml
Reviewer: Lollipop Princess @ My Sensation

Story Title : 5/5
Your title for your one- shot was very unique. It suited the plot. I’m not sure about it being very catchy but I thought it was interesting!!
Appearance: 3/10
I can’t comment much on here. Personally, I would have gotten a poster of the characters that were in the story and I would gotten like various accounts and an account for each one- shot?? I think the background was very cute though it didn’t suit the mood or anything you were trying to convey at all.
Forewords : 1/10
Like I said, your forewords just introduced the title of the one- shot and the characters in it. It would be easier to get an account for each one- shot and you could give a prologue for your story.
Plot: 12/15
I think your plot is very different than others. It is cute overall!! Especially the japenese names and nicknames and all. It sounded a lot like an anime. LOL
Characterization : 5/10
You should have showed more detail of your characters. Though it was just a one- shot, I was hoping you would have done a better job with the characterization and all. And I thought they were suddenly too many characters that were introduced into the story.
Creativity/Originality : 8/10
I think your story is very cute!! I like the part where they both have the same surnames!! It makes the pair more unique!!
Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 8/10
I think your grammar was ok, not bad. But I think the part that brought you down was the part with all the japanese namesand all. It’s pretty confusing!!
Flow: 8/10
I think your story was pretty fast overall…it was a one shot overall, so I can’t really comment much on it!!
Writing Style: 14/15
I like your story, because you used more of a japanese style. It is so cute, like an anime!! *thumbs up*
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

`Bonus : 5/5

Overall Total: 72/100
To me, I think it was a great effort overall!! Keep up the positive work!!

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